Game suggestions for xbox 360?

I'm currently looking for a Re-playable xbox 360 game. It honestly doesn't matter what genre it is, as I have a variety taste for games. Games that I've played Halo 1-4, gears 1-3, Bioshock/ Bioshock infinite, Mass effect 2, Skyrim, Gta 5, Dark souls, Assassin creed 1-3 bordelands 1-2 and a few others. Now to help out, I have a couple games i Have in mind of getting, Halo wars, Dragon age 2, far cry 3, Tomb raider, Kindoms of Amalur, or the witcher 2. If there's one thing to know of what kind of games I'd dislike it's probably Roaming type games such as minecraft type style, Sorry For the long amount of text, But any suggestions or opinions would be awsome!

Dragon Age, yes. It's the best. I've heard Far Cry is good. Tomb Raider is good. Try Saints Row 4 (but you might like the others in the series, to get a better feel for what's going on). Also, try Fable. Witcher is cool; never played it, but I've watched someone else play on PC. Looked pretty good.

If you liked skyrim then oblivion wouldn't be a bad choice. Far cry 3 and tomb raider are good choices. Diablo 3 on consoles is perfect for consoles as much as it is for PC. You might like DMC also. Saints row 4/5 are good choices if you love GTA, because they are very similar. By far the best games you should get are splinter cell conviction and blacklist. They are very fun, and very addicting. I have beat each one at least 3 times and still love to play it today, and this is just the campaign.