Any other female gamers out there that play Playstion or Xbox?

All of my female friends either don't play video games at all or rarely play a game or two every once in a while. I'm looking for another girl who plays very often like i do! I play a lot of different games, Call of duty, ESO, Resident Evil, 7 days to die, Minecraft, just recently got into Pubg for the xbox release and its my current favorite! So if you are a girl gamer looking for another girl gamer friend please leave gamertags!

I wouldn't consider myself to be obsessed with gaming, but because my brother is a gamer naturally I became one too. I play at around once a week, but sometimes I go without playing my favorites (Call of Duty, Halo, BioShock, Borderlands, or Outlast) for a month! So if you want a casual girl gamer friend, you can add me: unccep7able for the Xbox

Go to xbox live and search

One of my friends does. Her PSN tag is AnnoyPrincess. She's played video games a long time, but just recently got a PS4 and wants more friends. I'd tell you my PSN tag, but I'm a dude lol. As far as I know she's playing regularly enough and I'm her only other friend on there, so you'd probably have plenty of opportunities to play with her.