All of my female friends either don't play video games at all or rarely play a game or two every once in a while. I'm looking for another girl who plays very often like i do! I play a lot of different games, Call of duty, ESO, Resident Evil, 7 days to die, Minecraft, just recently got into Pubg for the xbox release and its my current favorite! So if you are a girl gamer looking for another girl gamer friend please leave gamertags!
Any other female gamers out there that play Playstion or Xbox?
Guest 18.12.2017
I wouldn't consider myself to be obsessed with gaming, but because my brother is a gamer naturally I became one too. I play at around once a week, but sometimes I go without playing my favorites (Call of Duty, Halo, BioShock, Borderlands, or Outlast) for a month! So if you want a casual girl gamer friend, you can add me: unccep7able for the Xbox
LizPercy 18.12.2017
Go to xbox live and search
Not Telling My Name 18.12.2017
One of my friends does. Her PSN tag is AnnoyPrincess. She's played video games a long time, but just recently got a PS4 and wants more friends. I'd tell you my PSN tag, but I'm a dude lol. As far as I know she's playing regularly enough and I'm her only other friend on there, so you'd probably have plenty of opportunities to play with her.
Jason 18.12.2017