Would this setup be a good entry level gaming PC?

CPU: AMD Quad-Core A10-6790k with Radeon 8670D @ 4.3Ghz
RAM: Team Elite 8GB (2 x 4GB) 240-Pin DDR3 SDRAM DDR3 1333
PSU: Diablotek DA Series PSDA500 500W (Depending on if I need that much)
Hard Drive: 320GB 2.5" 7200 RPM Mechanical drive
Motherboard: ASRock FM2A55M-VG3+ Micro ATX FM2+ Motherboard
Case: Apevia X-Trooper-Jr (Black) ATX Mid Tower Case w/450W Power Supply
This would be playing Skyrim, maybe Battlefield 4 and minecraft with shaders. Would I need a separate graphics card? It won't be too hardcore. Also could someone give a nice cooler for the money for the processor?

It doesn't matter, if your game plays well on a normal pc just use a normal pc you don't need the billion gigs of ram, if you can still play the game normally its fine, don't waste your money

Looks good might can get low to medium settings on the games mention, suggest a discrete graphic card and the coolermaster hyper 212+ evo should be able to fit the amd apu

You really should have a dedicated card if you are gonna play BF4 but other than that, looks good.