Would a 20inch monitor be good for simple gaming? Skyrim, Minecraft etc?

Would a 20inch monitor be good for simple gaming? Skyrim, Minecraft etc? - 1

Added (1). So i'm building my girlfriend a gaming pc, i'm just wondering if a 20inch monitor would be good for her? She would only be playing simple games, such as Minecraft, Skyrim and other small simple games.

Yes, a bit better than a 19, perhaps not as nice as a 21

I say a 23" flat lcd monitor would be best.
and actually, you should aim for a Three Screen system
The new best Graphics Cards should handle that.

Since your girlfriend is the person who'll be using the screen the most, ask her if a 20" monitor will suffice. If you're trying to surprise her, drop by a Best Buy or other monitor retailer and talk about how you are thinking about a new monitor, but which one does she like best?