Words you absolutely hate and why?

This is an interesting topic that came to mind and I wanted to see other people's opinions, so here are my most hated words:

Gamer - Why?: I don't know why but it just sounds extremely cringy to me. It makes it worse when I see little kids wearing Minecraft shirts saying "Hardcore Gamer"

Succulent - Why?: Same thing as moist, but 10x worse.

Meal - Why?: I don't really have an explanation for this one, but the way certain people say it is unnerving. The letter M and how it just doesn't fit with the eal part is the thing that sets off my hatred for this word. It just doesn't sound right.

I don't like the word "rural" because I feel like I have a hard time saying it… It comes out "rrrll"

I hate the Internet Age stuff, such as "selfie" or "viral" or other dorky words like that.

They just sound awful to describe stuff that only made world vanity way worse.

Most new made up words.
Quality time is an old one.
Body shaming, Islamaphobia, Manspreading, viral.
All nonsense.