Why is modern kid's culture so weak and wimpy?

My son and his friends are in 3rd and 4th grade and they all like Disney stuff and SpongeBob and Minecraft and other weak inoffensive stuff like that. When I was that age, my friends and I were into WW2 and Medieval history and the Wild West and making weapons and horror movies and post apocalyptic science fiction. Why the huge change for the weak and wimpy in children's culture over the last few decades?

It isn't your childhood, let him do things the he enjoys. Also, he might grow into that stuff. When I was in third grade I was barely self aware.

I thought the same thing too. I'm 18 right now but I was really into mobster movies such as the Godfather and Goodfellas when I was little (everyone else was into stuff entirely different). But all I see now is this Minecraft stuff everywhere. I guess it's whatever the kids are into these days.

I don't know.

I see exactly what you mean. It just seems like so many parents worry so much about their kids these days and won't let them do those things.

Society is evolving. Children are becoming less involved and more lazy

This next generation of childeren do seem to be very different but they do have more technololgy than we did when we were younger so their culture tends to surround technology more than it did with us