Why does media primarily blame video games for every violent tragedy?

Why does media primarily blame video games for every violent tragedy?

Because we live in a culture of blaming something else and which we don't want to take responsibility for our actions. Video games and TV shows and celebrities should not serve as role models for kids. They should serve as entertainment outposts nothing more

Used to be comic books. It is because there are AH's out there who make a living with bogus research and idiots believe them.

Because there was no violent tendencies prior to video games as severe as the present.

It's easier than blaming mental illness or bullying or problems at home. But violence was, is and will always be a reality of life. There's been horrible violence since the beginning of time when there were no violent video games, rap music, or media of any sort to blame.

Because they are full of **** and like to use scapegoat arguments.

Because it's the only way they can think but it's not true

People look at things to blame when nobody is wrong or accused its part of humanity and video games can't tecnically defend themselves so boom best answer right here

It's because they hate children.