Why do youtube videos take so long to upload?

I made a video using quicktime for minecraft it was only 9 minutes and 44 seconds long and i tried to upload it to youtube and it said it would take 5 hours. It hasn't done that in the past
i have a fast internet too so i don't know what the problem is

Sometimes your internets slow, or youtubes slow, heres what I sugggest, wait a few hours or days, and try it again.

Ok if it is 9:44 but what is the size in KB/MB/GB? That is important a video of same size could got different file size depending on the video format and codecs used. Larger the Bitrate used in video the quality will be higher but file size will increase.
What may cause longer uploading time?
Video file size
Your internet server is busy
YouTube server is busy or taking time.

Then what you should do? Cancel the uploading, clear internet browser's history and cookies. Keep updated your Windows/Mac, Adobe flash Player, Adobe Shockwave player,(from their websites only) Java and Browser. If possible computer drivers specially video graphic card.

Go to YouTube and retry uploading this time it will work fine.

Your internet is slow. I'm getting the same problem.