Why are gaming videos so popular on youtube?

I don't mean those cool gaming music videos the warp zone makes I mean the ones that are just videos of people playing video games. Now I like playing games as much as the next guy but I honestly don't see what is entertaining about watching someone else playing minecraft

Sometimes I see them so I can judge whether or not to buy the game.
sometimes I see them cause What they do is interesting (mods)
sometimes I look because I want to know the story and ending but I don't think I want to buy it.

So many reasons

I love the commentary from good Lets Players

It's for the scrubs that have no friends to play with so they sit around and watch other people play and have fun.

Videogames is one of the most popular ways to pass time now or days. Also most Video Game channels and videos incorporate humor. It is pretty safe to say that Comedy is probably the most popular movie genre for people ages 10 - 21, that age group is also the people populating YouTube the most.