Who hates minecraft? Because I love minecraft?

Who hates minecraft? Because I love minecraft? - 1

Added (1). Who hates minecraft? Because I love it!

I love minecraft too.


I hate

I don't hate it i just don't play it much anymore.


Minecraft is the best game ever!

Never played it

Played it YEARS ago in alpha for a few months, built some cool stuff, got bored, never bothered with it again, it got super popular, now I see minecraft outfits and mech whenever I go to an anime convention. I don't get the hype. I don't hate it, but it's not something I ever got obsessed with, nor do I understand the obsession.

Minecraft is so fun. Yes it is pointless but thats why it is fun. Just the other day i made a rollercoaster that was as big as the whole map. I love this

I think it looks like Atari's graphics. It's Ugly, it looks stupid, sound stupid, and just stupid.