Which laptop should I get for gaming?

I wanted to get a laptop for games like Minecraft, Team Fortress 2 etc. Not really games like Battlefield or Crysis that need a really good GPU. I have a budget of 500. These are the laptops I was thinking of:



Or if you know other laptops please tell me about them. By the way I live in Canada so if you could link me to Canadian sites that would be helpful! Thanks in advance!

Added (1). Hey guys thank you for what you've told me so far! But I found another two check it out! http://www.toshiba.com/...50-ASMBNX4


Added (2). Sorry I'm updating again but I really like this Laptop and I guess the laptop has a good GPU for playing Minecraft compared to the one that I have right now and on the PC I have now Minecraft runs with no lag and the GPU is ATI Radeon HD 4200 which isn't really the best I wouldn't think'.

You need a graphics card to play a 3-d game. Those 3 don't have any. This one will play Minecraft almost on max and some modern games on low-medium settings for cheaper.


Most laptops do not have high-end graphics cards and thus can't play most modern PC games. Such systems also tend to lack high-speed hard drives and higher-end processors. Many simply can't run anything which requires 3D rendering at anything near acceptable performance levels. Finally, most have terrible sound systems.

Adding higher end graphics systems, faster processors, high-speed buses, sound systems, etc. Tend to make the machine heavier, require more cooling systems, lower battery life dramatically, and of course cost an awful lot of money.

There are some laptops designed for gaming. They typically start at $1,500 and go beyond that. PC Magazine have a good review of those on the market.

Try this.