Which laptop do I ask for?

Alright, since my family's a little odd and is demanding a Christmas list early. I want to ask for a gaming laptop, but I don't know what laptop to ask for. I'd like it to have a good keyboard and trac-pad as I do a lot of typing and going around without a mouse, but I'd also like for it to be able to run Minecraft and/or World of Warcraft without crashing or lagging the system too badly. Does anyone have any suggestions?

Added (1). Oh, also it should be relatively inexpensive. Preferably less than $500.

You aren't going to find a gaming laptop for less than $500. Gaming laptops *start* and $750 for the most basic. You'll pay a grand from something OK, $1250 for something good, and $1500 or more for a great one.

$500 can buy you an i5 laptop with Intel integrated graphics which isn't good for gaming. You can try your luck with A10 CPUs but they still aren't no gaming computers. You will need dedicated GPU and they are usually more expensive than $500 unless you spot something on special.