Where do I start to learn GLSL to make shaders?

I want to make my own shader pack for a game called Minecraft. I've made some threads on minecraft forums asking where to start, I've pm'd all shader pack creators, noone ne reply. And google is not helping, it's full of tutorials for noob kids on how to install the shaders.

If you are going to write shaders using GLSL, you first need to have a lot of math, at least past algebra up to linear algebra. Knowing calculus would really help, as well as a good understanding of programming principles and data structures. Then you need to know how shaders work - what a vertex shader is, a geometry shader, how the gpu pipeline works, etc. Etc. Etc. This is fairly advanced stuff, and not the sort of thing high school kids can usually do because of the background required.

GLSL is a c-like programming language that you write shaders in. It is usually introduced towards the end of a computer science curriculum, after you have studied computer science for several years. It is not for the newbie or the non-programmer because of the background you need to be successful in it.