What was the last video games you played and what do you think of them?

What was the last video games you played and what do you think of them?

Last one was Minecraft, and i created an awesome house.

Last i played? I played cod black ops 2 last its ok i guess once you get past first prestige it just gets rlly boreing i can only play for like two matchs nowadays

"What was the last video games you played and what do you think of them?"

Games? Plural? Well okay:

- League of Legends
I love it. Have played this for over 4 years now and still pop in regularly for a game. The sad thing is, however, that my computer can't keep up that well and the processing speed is very low so I'd really need a new comp if I want to better the experience.

- Final Fantasy X HD Remaster
Pretty much my favorite Final Fantasy and the one to really get me into the series. I played the original twice (one with Normal and the other with Expert Sphere grid). I immediately bought the Limited Edition for the PS3 on day one.

- Dark Souls
After playing Demon's Souls, which I thoroughly enjoyes, I initially did want to get it but seeing as I wanted to wait for a price drop, I basically forgot about it until my (now former) boyfriend played my Demon's Souls copy and bought Dark Souls for himself, ushering me to do so as well.

- Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII
After having played FFXIII and XIII-2 I could not pass up on this one. I have not finished it yet though as I got caught up playing Dark Souls and FFX but I enjoyed it so far (I'm on day 8).

- Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2
After having played LOS 1 and LOS: Mirror of Fate I could not pass up on this one. I liked it and found the gameplay a good improvement on LOS 1. The only thing I did not really like was the ending as I found it rather anti-climactic to serve to end a trilogy even though it thematically fits.