What should I upload on YouTube?

Hi, I got a really good gaming PC 3 days ago and I wanna start making YouTube videos, the only game I have at the moment is minecraft but I can't think of any series ideas for it or just anything really. I'm gonna upload battlefield but just wanted someone's help on what to do with minecraft cos its a popular game and does good on youtube. As well my recording software goes black every time I make a game go full screen, is this normal and how do I fix it? I'm using OBS.

Use Fraps. But the free version only records like 10 seconds. Figure it out.
Don't upload maisntream games. People see tons of uninteresting videos like that a day. If you're funny make something funny, if you're not funny, find more original content.
Be prepared to have less than 100 visita in a month.

Realize that every kid with a PC wants to be Pewdiepie or Tubuscus to make money. Forget about the money. Be original and consistent. Of course do whatever you want. But if you're gonna upload Minecraft you won't be noticed soon.