What should I upgrade first?

I have an old pc I need to know what to upgrade to play minecraft dayz tf2 etc here's specs
Pentium 4 2.8ghz
2gb ram
Nvidia GeForce 8400gs
Windows vista 32bit

Upgrading your RAM to at least 1GB will you get much better performance.

I have also used 8400gs, and you can play almost any game on it. Though you have to low down the resolution, i played gta4 and bfh with it. No need to spend any money.

What to upgrade *first*…
They are all gonna need to be swapped, so…
You should just start with a new mobo/cpu. Then ram. Then psu. Then gpu.

Upgrade my frnd you have to change all pentium is worst config for today scenario. Go for ix series or amd series.
first change your processer and mother board 1 gb ram is ok but make it 2 gb for proper usage