What's are good and low budget AM3 processors and graphics cards?

My "gaming pc" doesn't really game anymore. I have a AMD PHENOM II X4 and a NVIDIA EVGA GTX 460. It's pretty garbage and I wanted to know what I could upgrade too with a budget under $150? I mainly just want to play modded/Minecraft and some other games. I just want good FPS with no lag spikes while gaming. Info would really help thanks.


Sorry kid, you need a new computer. Your 8 year old hardware is totally outdated. Save your money, don't waste it on upgrading.

That's probably about as fast as your CPU can go in that motherboard. The 980 was the fastest Phenom, or there's a 6 core chip but it won't be any faster at gaming.

So unless your games are limited by the GPU you're gonna need a new CPU and motherboard.

You can check how much of a load a game is putting on the GPU with tools like GPU-Z or MSI Afterburner.

If you upgrade your GPU, I'd try to make sure it's something you can re-use in the next computer.

A GTX 1050 will be about all you can get with your $150