My belkin router has been port forwarded for minecraft, and i went to port forward for a steam game, on called viscera cleanup and another called ark. But learned my router can't do this. How can i find a router that can?
What router can be port forwarded for steam games?
I don't think you understand what port forwarding is. Your router is capable of port forwarding since you already did it for minecraft, it doesn't matter what program will use the open ports.
Port forwarding on a router basically tells the router that if information is received on port 6100 in the router, it should be forwarded to port 6100 (or possibly a different port but lets assume the same) on a computer hidden behind the router.
You need to learn what ports the steam games use and forward them to your computer's local IP address using your router admin interface.
If your router forwarded the first time, it can certainly forward the second time. If its failing, keep in mind that:
1) You typically can't have the same range in multiple rules. For example if a game uses 3000 and 3001, you can enter that rule. If another game uses 3001 and 3002, that rule should fail because you are already forwarding port 3001 in another rule.
2) WHen port forwarding, you MUST specify a destination( Your computers IP ). If you don't, it will fail.
3) If your computers IP changes, the ports will still forward, but to the wrong IP. You'll need to either set a static IP on your deskop/laptop, create an IP reservation, or constantly change the port forwarding rule.
Most routers have a list of games and services that can be port forwarded explicitly by name. They also have the option to add your own game type if it is not pre-configured into the router's list of games. You will have to create a new game name and manually add a list of all the ports that game requires. Look for the option to do this. It should be somewhere in the port forwarding section. Since you failed to mention the model of you Belkin router, I can't offer any more advice.
Note: port forwarding can have problems if two or more computers want to play games that use the same ports as port forwarding will forward to one computer and not the other.