What programming language is the fastest for games?

Fastest in rendering objects, and 3d spaces. Something that can handle games like minecraft?

1) assembly language would be the fastest. The chance is you will never finish a program using assembly language. So that it out.

2) The efficient language is C, but it is not object oriented. You can use openGL
library to render to 3D objects.

Most games for desktop computers are written in C++. Originally this was for speed, but modern computers are so fast now that I suspect it's more of a tradition than a requirement.

As Toad points out, the fastest language is always going to be assembler, but coding a whole game in it would be a nightmare. In fact, for most applications, the speed of the language is not a consideration. What's more important is how much time it takes to write the program, not how much time it takes to run the program. A program doesn't have to run as fast as it possibly can - it just has to run fast enough so the user doesn't complain about the lack of speed!

There's no such thing as best language for game dev. Each language has its own shortcomings and good points. You need to pick a language that you are familiar with and stick with it.

It also depends on the type of game you want to make. For instance, if you are interested in making an online game, then C++ would not be useful.

You could also look out for game making software like GameMaker, Construct, Unity 3d games, etc. That will help you make games with limited knowledge of programming.