What kind of graphics card will I need to play Minecraft?

I don't know much about graphics cards so please try and explain in simple terms! But do I need a discrete/dedicated graphics card like nvidia or something, or will it still play well with an integrated graphics card like the Intel ones, if the processor/RAM are good enough? Will award best answer as soon as possible, thanks!

You can run Minecraft on a laptop with integrated graphics. Since Minecraft is poorly optimized, I suggest getting Optifine to get a big FPS boost.

It will work well with anything really, but I would recommend getting something a little beefier if you do anything intensive. If you are doing the gaming on a laptop, you might need to find one with at least an Intel 5500 GFX card, otherwise if it is a desktop, you can easily upgrade to an Nvidia GTX 770!

I hope this helps! Tell me if you have any more questions!

What are your specs

also are you a gamer that plans to play games other than minecaft like GTA V?

Also a better route for budget is AMD CPUS and even graphics card i could make you a part list for a budget

One of my favourite tech YouTubers, Lon Seidman, reviews cheap light laptops with really low power Intel integrated graphics and almost always uses Minecraft as a test for their performance. It's very rare that any of them play it slowly so I'd say don't worry. However, if you're looking at laptops that are from any year earlier than 2014 that only have integrated graphics, that's a bad idea. Anything from 2014 or so onwards with integrated graphics will probably have no trouble with Minecraft. Obviously getting a computer with a big discrete graphics card will let you play it on huge screens with zero lag but really, it's not necessary. Intel graphics are getting seriously great. Hope this helps!

It depends, a graphics card isn't that important. But if you want A LOT of fps, go for a nvidia GeForce Gtx 970 it's about $317

AMD Raedon R7 240 at the lowest, also what is your specs?

Gtx Titan Z Kappa