What is the purpose of minecraft?

Is it a good game like people say it is? I never really got the point of it…

Keeping neckbeards busy

Building pvping if online

There isn't a point. It pretty much a digital set of Lego's but with more depth. Your imagination is the only limiting factor.

It can be, to let yourself be creative, in a sort of way. There's also the survival feature. I was like you, I did not very much understand why a bitty game, would be so much a catcher, until being introduced, by watching some buddies play. Then I was hooked. I'd slowed down, because of lack of people to play with, though there's an online feature.

I don't get it either, but my Grandson just loves it.

I've been playing Minecraft for months and I love it! But if you're not into sandbox video games then it's probably not for you. The game itself doesn't really have a point to it. All you do is mine, build, and craft stuff. Might sound boring but that's actually what makes it so fun, it's even funner when you have a friend to play it with.

Check out some Minecraft vids on YouTube to look into it more. But I don't think it's for everyone, especially if you prefer to play games with an actual plot and characters.

I never did either but I don't like building stuff. It's fun for people who do.

It's a virtual sandbox. You can build literally everything in your imagination. Not even the sky is the limit.

I don't like it much myself, but I assume that the reasons I stated above is why people do. I prefer playing video games like those in The Elder Scrolls franchise… Y'know, with an actual plot.