What is the best screen recorder for gaming?

I need to record games like minecraft and wow but my screen recorder sucks. My PC is epic and i'm pretty sure it can take any recorder. I've tried fraps but while i'm recording it stops on it's own and i'm tired of this so please help me.
it should be able to:

- Record voice
- Record in full screen
- Be free

Added (1). this is the computer i bought:

and my hot key for fraps is F9

What kind of computer do you have?
And also.
What is your: Hotkey: for fraps?

Its is because your graphics suck! It has integrated graphics. That was totally a rip off if you have all of that and no graphics card. It is not your screen recorder that sucks, it is your pc.

Search google and ask how to record http://tryminecraftonlinefree.com