What is a good Pre-built gaming computer?

I 'm looking for a pre-built gaming desktop due to the technical difficulties on one that I found.
I 'm looking for one between 600$-800$ ~~ Maybe 1000$ I'm want to play Tf2, Bf4, Minecraft at max settings or medium. I favor a graphic card that is better than gtx 550ti, I mainly want a Gtx 760/ 2gb.

That is a good option. However, you could still get a more powerful build for less money if you build yourself.

Also check Craigslist for used gaming rigs in your area and upgrade parts in it with your money savings.

I built one for BF3 a year and 1/2 ago and it cost 1600 minimum. I just upgraded for 1000 more dollars. I like the HP Envy models, they have a nice one for 1200. You need at least an i7 3rd generation, 8GB RAM and a good motherboard as well as GPU. There are a lot of custom companies out there too. I would go to PCGamer.com or MaximumPC.com and read reviews both have great reviews of gaming machines.

Why would you wanna buy it if you spend $600 - $1000 on a pc other than building it then your wasting your money
it is really not hard to make a pc it's like lego if you think about it and there's hundreds and thousands of youtube videos to help