What is a good, creative building/strategy type game?

I'm after the kind of game you can just put countless hours into, such as Minecraft, Terraria or Simcity(all of which I've already played far too much of).
Any Ideas?

You might try Civilisation, which is very similar in style to the likes of SimCity, to an extent.

There's also XCOM: Enemy Unknown, from the same developers, which combines turn-based combat strategy with base layout and management.

If you like space-themed games, you should look into Starbound or Space Engineers.

Starbound is very similar to Terraria, with the bonus of having your own upgradable space ship for exploring other planets, mining resources, fighting off enemies (the combat looks really fun as well). Space Engineers sort of reminds me of Minecraft, but without the characteristic blocks and the fact that it's set in space. You can build your own space ships, crash them, play with friends etc etc.

Both are on Steam for about £11.99 (last I checked), but are currently on early access (beta).

Try Game dev tycoon its more text based but is very fun.

King Arthur's Gold

Try Blockheads or Pocket Mine.