What is a good, cheap gaming pc/laptop?

I want to buy a good computer to play games on (minecraft, LoL etc.) but i want one thats fairly cheap (around £250 - £500)

1. There's no such thing as a gaming laptop, it's all lies.
2. LoL and minecraft don't need a gaming pc and you could play on highest settings with a normal computer.
3. You can't get a gaming PC for £500 and anyone who tells you otherwise doesn't know anything.

Build one yourself

This gaming pc is only £492 and just giving u an example it could run skyrim at ultra or high settings so it can run minecraft like anything and think about it if it can run skyrim at ultra to high settings just think of other games it can run same grapcs as skyrim if your only want a pc to play minecraft then there's no point in buying this but you said a gaming pc for around£500 and this is and its a really good one