What games are out there that are good coop/multiplayer?

My friend and I are looking for a new, quality PC game that is coop or multiplayer. We have already played Borderlands(felt it was too slow of a game), DOTA 2 (loved ALOT, but got bored after master every character), LoL(hated), l4d2(not enough to do), splinter cell: chaos theory(enjoyed), EYE, Kane and lynch(got bored after first level), Magicka (couldn't run) castle crashers (meh), Earth Defence Force (liked), Payday (couldn't run), Minecraft/terraria, Diablo 2, Day Z, Cry of Fear(enjoyed), TF2(felt they ruined it), SC2(we were bad at), serious sam(enjoyed) and WoW (enjoyed but didn't want to pay $15 a month). We have also played about all source games. He has a poor quality computer that can run about DOTA 2 at best. We're looking for cheap games(~40 dollars max) without monthly subscription payments.

Overall we're looking for a cheap co-op game that can run on low end computers.

one game we were looking at was SWAT 4 but had no idea where to get it

TF2, as they will be adding new weapons in the "End of the Line" update, and they are always adding stuff.
Sonic Adventure 2 on Steam has some the best multiplayer in recent memory, and it's worth getting the cheap "Battle" DLC that adds everything from the Battle Edition of the game from the GC/PS2 Era.