What Does It Mean When Your Urine Is Dark Yellow/Orange?

Please help?! So today after being in bed all day playing minecraft (Sick) I had to use the bathroom, when I went I noticed my urine is Dark Yellow/Orange color for the first time, I was wondering and googled it, and all the answers said you must have tooken a drug, Impossible for me I'm only 13 - 2. (not allowed to ask question if not 13 or older) I don't know if this is something to do with puberty. Please not I haven't had my period yet. Help I'm freaking out!

Added (1). Sorry meant Note

Your just dehydrated don't worry about it but do drink more fluids.

Usually it means that you are dehydrated since your urine is so concentrated. Drinking fluids especially water should help. If not, ask your parents and maybe consulting with a doctor if necessary.

It sounds like you are dehydrated. Pee turns dark when you are dehydrated. Also, it has become easier for you to become dehydrated because you are sick. Drink some fluids.

You're dehydrated, like everyone else said. Just try to drink lots more fluids(not coffee or soda, though.)

It means you got to drink more water.

Drink more water. You are dehydrated

It means you're very dehydrated. Tell your parents and drink a lot of water or gatorade