TO All GAMERS: Minecraft or GTA V?

Just wondering.

I like GTA V better.

Gta v: I blow other peoples brain out.

Minecraft: I blow my brains out. Minecraft sucks that much.

So gta v wins.

Gta V you can do Way more stuff and like always, it is way more realistic than minecraft, you can also actually interact with computers, unlike trading with villagers.

Those are two completely different games. Hardly comparable.

Probably GTA V but its a lot more fun online especially with friends.


Hmm this is kind of a strange comparison but I play minecraft whenever I'm in some sort of creative mood and don't have much else to do (so rarely) and I play GTA 5(or battlefield) because it's so much fun online for me. Saving up for some of the ridiculously expensive cars and waiting to unlock mods by winning 40 races does suck, but overall I don't see you being disappointed in that choice.

Considering the fact minecraft looks like a nintendo 64 game and has no concept whatsoever id say gta 5

Minecraft is a bore, anyone that plays it is most likely a freak at gaming. But GTA V is tons of fun when you play it at first because then once you beat it. Its boring, and online gets boring as well.

GTA V. Minecraft is for 10 year olds.