Strange sounds in minecraft?

It is night time and i'm out in the open on the top of a mountain. There's this creepy sound followed by a scream. Then one of the endermens disappear. Its still night and i'm still alive but i don't know what the strange noise was. Or sometimes when i'm on a mountain collecting resources i hear someone whisper: don't look back don't look back, he is coming, don't look back. What does that mean. When i hear those noises i run to a safe house, then n othing happens.

If you see an enderman disappear, that means you were staring at it (or it despawned). However, the noises you are hearing are from being near caves or huge, open dark areas. They mean nothing, but to scare you. Also, the whispering is coming from your imagination. Check the wiki (in the source below) for more information on the noises.