Small good Gaming Laptops that are under 300?

Well, Next week it's my birthday and I want to ask my mom if she could get me a small gaming laptop that is under 300 dollars. I can't go over 400, i don't know why but i can't. The games i'm talking about, is mostly valve games. Team fortress 2, left for dead, portal 1 or 2. Minecraft too.

Please tell me, thanks.

Added (1). EDIT: Sorry, I really meant small laptops that could run games at decent frames. I wouldnt really care about the graphics.

Unfortunatly, you will not be able to get a 3D gaming capable laptop for under $300. You will be pressed to find a deal on a laptop with anything better than an Intel Inegrated Grahics card for under $500 even. Minecraft is not that intensive, neither is Team Fortress or Left for Dead, but even at minimum settings this games will run horrible. Minecraft might be Ok, as I have seen it run decent even on terrible computers being a "simple" java game, but anything else will not really work all that well.

There's no such thing as a "gaming" laptop under $300. Sorry. For you to run the games you're asking for, you'd need a laptop AT LEAST $800 and up, and $800 is pushing it. Maybe $1000. You can always try eBay, but I wouldn't recommend that per se. If you want to play games on a computer, then I recommend you get a desktop. Those are cheaper and more powerful for games. Even then, you need a graphics card, and those don't come cheaply either.

Dream on.
Choose any two.

Youll only get refurbished at that price

games tested

outside of your budget but something you could ask them about
poweful medium build good for school work and all tasks really and is energy efficient

edit i have added what games have been tested with laptop above and you have to care about the graphics as its the graphics card that issues the frames

most games will run low on the a8 that arent demanding