Why does my Minecraft doesn't show my skin?

I was playing Minecraft on a multiplayer server and enjoying my time but, my skin was Steve. I didn't really like Steve skin because, it looks kinda a noob. I kept changing my skins and tried over 5-6 skins. But it didn't work at all. I had to reset my Minecraft everytime. My friend said my skin doesn't show because, I have a Username over 8 letters. And I was like "What?" My friend doesn't know exactly but, he got that fact from Minecraft server that he plays… I don't really know what to do.
And it's very annoying, I don't want to play as Steve. My MC Username is IcySpying

I would appreciate if you reply.

The 8 letter thing is false. Also it's a common glitch that your skin will occasionally show as Steve