Somebody stole my youtube name?

My youtube name is Nickolas T and my Minecraft name is nickolas3ds and i made my own skin, however somebody used nickolas3ds XD as their youtube name and nickolas3ds as their minecraft name, then stole my skin and claimed the name and skin as his own, and refused to change them when asked, should I take Legal Action? What should I do?

No one can stolen your username because it should be unique. If so someone hacked so try to secure your account by changing password.

If somebody copies a username on youtube, there isn't a whole lot you can do. If they are doing it on a game server you could contact the Mods for the server and ask them to step in. Just be sure you have proof it belonged to you first.

Sadly you don't own the copyright to that name, while ethically it would be kind of him to change his name but he doesn't HAVE to change it at all. Unless you are the official verified nickolas3ds then sadly there's nothing you can do, you have no legal standing