My skin isn't loading in Minecraft?

My skin usually works fine, but lately it isn't loading. On servers I can see everyone else's skin, but I'm Steve. I've restarted Minecraft, and reuploaded my skin, but it's not showing up!

Maybe it just the server or maybe you can't see it but other see your skin

Try testing with another skin, whether it's your own creation or a download. Usually, re-uploading the skin works, but it's not a guaranteed fix; tweaking or re-creating your regular skin may or may not resolve the problem.

If the 'test' skin works, re-upload your own skin and launch the game again. If it still doesn't apply, log out of the Minecraft launcher and log back in to see if this refreshes anything. There might be an issue with the server, whether that's temporary down-time, so perhaps waiting it out might see the problem resolve itself?

A last resort may be to delete your.minecraft folder's contents (aside from important files such as saves and resource packs) and see if upon reloading this resolves anything.

There's usually one of two things that occur here…

1) Connection error between you & the Minecraft Update servers (where your skin is stored at). -- This can generally result in loading the default (Steve) skin that's stored within Minecraft's core files as a local back-up… Which is loaded whenever you play offline w/o a connection.

2) A loading bug occurs while playing. -- This can happen with servers that support teleportation where your system doesn't connect your skin's data to you & falls back to the default (Steve) skill on your system. HOWEVER, other players may still be able to see your desired skin with this bug.

Unless you're completely vain here, I wouldn't worry about it too much.