I can't change my skin in Minecraft Pocket Edition since alpha build 10?

I used to be able to change it easily but ever since build 11 or 12 whenever I try it just says minecraft has stopped working. My phone is a Moto G if that helps

Beta Testers hace having problems with the builds on pocket edition lately. Mojang is having problems with pocket edition as well. Builds are glitching and mojang is currently working on fixing the bugs/glitches in beta builds. Also Beta Build 13 is out so check the google playstore for update on that.

Also, one of the onwers at News for MCPE App her name is MinerGirl98 she said that she found glitches & bugs in the beta builds. Some of the bugs include trees not dropping logs when mined, grass blocks not dropping when mined. Apples arent falling from tress. Here's a few glitches she found:

Baby Zombies riding different animals, like, cows and pigs. Also i heard mojang is adding Chicken Jockeys to MCPE.