How to make an animal as your skin on mine craft?

Okay so I was on Minecraft the other day, playing multiplayer and this girl comes up to me and she turns into a freaking ocelot! And i'm like "Dude, I wanna be an animal! Wtf?" And she like disappeared, and didn't even tell me how to get that kind of skin. So here I'm asking… How the F*** do you do that?!

If you are on pc all you need is a mod. If you are on xbox 360 just buy the battle and beasts skin pack.

Did her skin change or did she actually change size into an ocelot? If she just changed her skin then you simply download a skin and upload it to

If she actually changed into am ocelot then she used a mod called the Morph Mod which allows you to morph into anything you have previously killed (including other players)

If your on ps3 go into play station store and buy it from their, it's usually around $1.99-$2.99, if not follow the guy above me instructions