Should I make videos and put them on YouTube?

I'm thinking of making a Minecraft channel for YouTube, but I'm unsure if i should, I'm really shy and I lack of self confidence, I also don't know if I should do this because it might improve my confidence, but I also have the risk of falling into a big black hole and hiding away FOREVER. I'm mostly scared because what it the viewers hate me because i'm British, that is my BIGGEST worry I mean… Do you guys hate/dislike British people (hate is a strong word. ) I'm 14 female (teen) and I'm really quite but i like to make people happy even if i'm not happy myself I guess? But to everyone in my school i'm just a no-body but hopefully on the internet i will become a somebody… Can chu help me?

I say DO IT!

I'm also quite shy, but I do YouTube, and if people in the comments are saying mean things, there's always the option of disabling them.
The only way you'll know if you like it and want to keep doing it or not, is to try.

There's a lot of successful British YouTubers, so no, people will not hate you because your British.

Hope I helped.

I'm 13 years and a boy and you sound just like me. No i don't hate British people, i'm just the opposite and i'm american. People shouldn't hate you, but make sure you have a nice microphone and computer to run your game on, you can upload or never do youtube whenever you want, its not like a job. Do what you want to and not what you should. So yeah! Go for it

I'm a British Male 14 with a gaming Channel, although I don't have many subs and not many people watch every now and again someone will message me or comment saying thanks that really helped or I enjoyed that video and that makes the whole thing well worth it so while others may tell you not too as to many people already are I could not recommend it more! AND yes it can boost your confidence so go out there and make some videos!

Feel free to check out my channel if you so desire.

You should do it, but I wouldn't be overly optimistic about making it a large channel, as there are literally hundreds of thousands of youtube channels dedicated to Minecraft, and only around 100 or so have a decent following, if you want to attract more people to your channel, you should try branching out and playing other games too.