Would you be able to PVP in any game with a lot of lag?

I was playing minecraft with my friend today on a PVP server. I died, then my friend called me bad. Then, I called him bad (we joke around like that. ). Then, he said "coming from the guy that doesn't have much skill".
I was a little angry at that moment (short temper:/), so I told him to try to PVP while getting 25 fps max. He said, that FPS doesn't matter, it's your capability.
That got me wondering. Would you be able to be a good PVPer in Minecraft or any game for that matter while getting 25 FPS max?

Well I think 20-30 fps is acceptable because you have some what smooth gaming… But it just may be Server side lag and I can't handle it!
Try using gamebooster!

Haha! 25 fps good in minecraft? That is just laughable, any decent system will run it at 100 fps MIN

time to get off the computer that came INSTALLED with windows 98 fool