My Minecraft server won't let others connect to it?

I just created a minecraft server for 1.8.9 so my friends and I can go on it, and although it'll let me connect and I can go on myself, my friends can't. They see my sever as "no connection" when it's really connected. Is there anything I'm doing wrong or something I need to fix? Thank you for anyone who helps it'll be greatly appreciated!

Hi. If you paid for it then it should work. Try talking to the place you got the server from. If you make a normal server and your friends are connected to your internet, LAN worlds should work. Try talking to the place first.

Is this on your network? Or on a shared paid-for server?

If your network, are you giving your friends the 192.168.x.x IP address that you are using? If so, that won't work. You have to give them the IP address to your Internet facing device (your router), with then the router configured to move specific port traffic to the server (the ports needed are dependent on how you configured your server)