Minecraft Multiplayer LAN Server Over Bluetooth?

Me and my friends are going on a bus ride that'll be about 8-10 hours long and we will all have our laptops with us. Since there will be no static Wi-Fi or internet connection on the bus is there a way I can set up some sort of LAN server via Bluetooth or another service so that all of us can play together? Or does the connection between our laptops (about 4 of us) have to be wired for this to work? If so, how can I do this? Any advice would be great, thanks!

I don't know much about Bluetooth but you guys can try to play with 2 on each server assuming there's 4 of you by using Ethernet cables so if you have a pc select a partner and the one to be host has to open to lan the both computers has to be connected using the Ethernet cable just plug it in and that's all don't mess with the options etc. Just go to minecraft open to lan and then he can join from the multiplayer tab in minecraft