Minecraft Let's Play Partner?

Hi, I'm 17 with a LOT of spare time on my hands so I'm going to start a Minecraft Let's Play series on YouTube, but I think that it would be better if there was two people.

So, are you able to commit the time and effort? If you can then there's some small things that you have to be able to do.
1. You have to host the server (as I don't have the required Bandwidth)
2. You must be able to record as well
3. Age between 14-20 (I'm 17)
4. Must have skype (leave below or E-Mail me Homebrewer.info@gmail.com)
5. You NEED a Mic.
6. Be fun.

I'll do it, soloin2011 is my skype, I'm bored out of my mind i'm as old as ye and franqly I've got nothing better to do so add me up.