Is it possible that a hamachi minecraft server can be hacked?

Recently i have made a minecraft server with hamachi. If this helps, i used one of my world maps, and put it into the server folder. I can play on my server and everything, it works perfectly. Anyways, a friend had told me that a hamachi server can easily be hacked, and minecraft players, that i don't know, could join my server and play there if it gets hacked. She's probably lying, but i just want a "confirmed" answer. So, can a hamachi server on minecraft be hacked?

Any server can be hacked.

You can help protect your server by keeping its software up to date, and by using some network security tips. For instance if you're really paranoid, write down the IP#s of your friends, and then modify your network router to ONLY allow those IP#s to connect to your server. That way, if someone isn't on your list, they won't be able to even get past your router.

Of course, it's possible to hack the router too, but if you've taken proper precautions it won't be easy or worth the hacker's time -- especially not to just access a game of Minecraft.

OK. Anything on a PC can be hacked. To make the chances of getting hacked decreased choose a password which has 8 letters and includes numbers. But don't worry I don't think anyone would went to hack your minecraft server. Make a back up just in case.