I waS eNgAgiNg iN SoMe MiNeCrAfT pVp iN a cHrIsTiAn sErVeR WhEn i AcCiDeNtLy SaId hECk. NoW i'm bANnEd. How caN i gEt BaCk

I waS eNgAgiNg iN SoMe MiNeCrAfT pVp iN a cHrIsTiAn sErVeR WhEn i AcCiDeNtLy SaId hECk. NoW i'm bANnEd. How caN i gEt BaCk

You can't


You can't just accept satan as your new lord and savior.

Um, your caps is on. Don't even TRY to get back!

Just play in normal sever duh

Why would you even want to get back into an uptight christian server, just find another one, there's thousands of them.


1. Play on a normal server
2. Learn to type as a normal person
3. Write HELL on a normal server and no one will give a damn about it.

No swearing

SoRrY mAn your ScReWeD!