I'm being DDOS'd! What do I do?

Right now I'm being DDos'd, but my internet can JUST take the strain. I'm guessing it'll take a few minutes for this question to actually register, though.
Some person on a Minecraft server got mad at me and probably used /whois to find my IP address.
Changing my IP or making it dynamic is not an option as I'm not contacting my ISP. Don't answer "oh but you have to!"
Right now I'm using Hotspotshield but it's not protecting me.
I've tried switching my router off, wait and on again but it's not working.
I used a speed test and it actually came from Vodafone in London, but they're not my ISP and I live nowhere near London.
Please help me. I think you can disable pings or something, but I can't configure my Virgin Super Hub [VM are my ISP]
By the way, this is in the UK. I'm not sure if this will be registered as a UK question or not.

There isn't really a way to stop it. The best thing to do is to just wait it out. Their internet speed will also be affected unless they have diverted the flow. I doubt this as they are from a minecraft server. They will soon get bored and stop though. The only thing you can really do is to change your ip address but you are saying it isn't possible atm, good luck!

Unless you messed with router settings it will DROP DDOS attacks silently which breaks the program. So more likely you have infected your machine with spyware.

Here you may get some help