I have no idea what the heck is going on with minecraft, but when I installed, a couple mods:
Animated Player 1.7.2,
Remote IO 1.7.2,
Jump Pads 1.7.2,
minecraft has started acting strangely. There was strange lighting errors, like if I had an item in my hand, it was dark, but when i had a block in my hand, it was normal. I ignored this because the shaders i installed actually fix this problem. But when I tried to join my local server, it said "Bad Packet id: {insert random number here}", and when i joined again, it said "Frame Error bigger than -21 bit" Or something. And it KEPT ON making weird excuses for crashing, like "String larger than expected or something." I tried completely uninstalling minecraft and all of it's data by deleting the.minecraft folder. Didn't work. Same thing kept on happening. I'll probably never find a solution for this, but i just want someone to help me somehow.
Added (1). It's not only for my server, it's for every single server i join, even when i switch the version to 1.7.9