How to make a multiplayer server in Minecraft SP?

In my mac's minecraft, I've always wanted to play Minecraft Multiplayer with the free one (Minecraft SP). I read that a lot of people said you can't, however my friend's cousin was able to make one from the free version (Minecraft SP). Can anyone tell me how? Please explain if so.

Added (1). thanks to those that have answered, but I forgot to mention that I would much prefer LAN, but Online is still ok…

Added (2). thanks to those that have answered, but I forgot to mention that I would much prefer LAN, but Online is still ok…

Download Minecraft_Server.exe or minecraft_server.jar from the Minecraft downloads page. ( users can use either the exe or the jar, Mac OSX and Linux users can use only the jar.It is recommended that you create a folder either on your computer's desktop, or elsewhere in your computer, for the server files. The server app should go in the folder you create. (More info here: Run it once. Close it. (by typing the command close)
Now, open in a Text editor. Change the value of: online-mode from TRUE to FALSE. This means it won't check and verify names with, which allows cracked clients. It also allows users to play when is down.

Looked for "how to make a cracked minecraft server" on youtube.