How to give your mincraft server more ram?

I'm trying to host a minecraft server for my friends but its really laggy and I want to give it more ram.


I have windows 8

64 bit computer

32 bit Java

Buy some and install it.

Firstly uninstall any java currently on your computer. After that is completed go to this exact site, copy and paste it to your search bar. download "Windows offline (64-bit)" then install it. That will allow both minecraft and the serve to have enough ram supplied to them. Go to where your server files are and create a.txt file. Copy and paste this without the quotations into the.txt file. "@echo off
java -Xmx1G -Xmx2G -jar minecraft_server.1.7.10.jar gui
click "save as" then where it says "save as type" change it from "Text Documents (.txt)" to "All Files (*.*)" then change the name to "server.bat" without quotations then save the file. It should create another file named "server.bat" click on that to start your server. After opening it for the first time it will open a black command box then open and close the server. If this happens close the command box. Open a file called "eula.txt" which is in the same folder as the "server.bat". It should say "#By changing the setting below to TRUE you are indicating your agreement to our EULA (
#Sun Jul 20 13:45:27 PDT 2014
eula=false" change "eula=false" to "eula=true" after that just save the file normally then open "server.bat" and it should open the server with more ram applied. Always open your server using that file. Note that depending on how much ram you have installed in your computer will limit how much you can use in your server. 1024 mb = 1 gb. So if you have 4 gb of ram in your computer then instead of putting " -Xmx1G -Xmx2G" you should put " -Xmx1G -Xmx1536M" so there's enough ram for the server, minecraft and your computer to share. If you have 8 gb installed then you should be fine with " -Xmx1G -Xmx2G" Make sure the server file you are using is the.jar version not.exe