How to find my minecraft server ip? - 1

I've been trying to find my minecraft server ip address, but I go to a page that gives me my IP, i copy it, and add:25565 at the end, thats the port i have open. So the server ip is probably MY IP:25565 and my friends still aren't able to join. They are on a different network. How can i get the real one so they can enter?

Press F3 And it has your server ip

Where exactly are you getting your IP from? If you're using Command Prompt > ipconfig, that is your IPv4 which won't work for people who aren't on your network. will show you your -public- IP address, which is what you will need to share with your friends. Adding:25565 at the end is optional.

If your friends can't join due to connection-related errors, you may need to port forward ( ), meaning you'll have to know your router brand, model and login details - to add Minecraft's port (25565) to your router and your computer before your server will be accessible. Note that it could take up to a week before your server is fully active after initially setting it up to bypass port forward settings.= though this isn't always true.

Best of luck getting things running!

First, you will need to port forward your server. You can find many videos on how to do this. Next you go to a website like or and then you give your friends that ip. Last that add the:25565 to the end of it and you turn on your server and they can connect.