Does non retina vs retina make a difference in game performance speed?

I'm getting a MacBook Pro. Don't convince me to get a different computer, I grew up with macs my whole life. Anyways, I want to get minecraft, which I'm pretty into. I play on very crowded servers, and take lots of screenshots. I like high settings, and I expect to 30-40 fps at all times. This is why I'm planning the non retina: because I don't care that much about screen quality. I'm getting the i5 13 inch. I know retina is literally ALWAYS at least 40 fps, but does non retina preform the same? I think it might preform better because the specs were higher. And it's $200 cheaper! So should I still get the non retina, or is non retina gonna kill my fps.

The higher the resolution, i.e. The more pixels you have to 'push', then the lower your framerate is going to be. (All other things being equal, obviously. Of course I could probably go find a $4000 laptop with 4K resolution that will out perform your macbook.)

But all things being considered, this is a universal truth for the foreseeable future: The more pixels the machine has to update, the longer it will take that same machine to update all those pixels for each frame.

So the 'non-retina' would end up having a higher framerate, if you don't care about resolution. Some people don't care, which is fine. But even standard 1080p HD is pretty low-end on just about any new computer these days.