Can't play any games like team fortress 2, counter-strike 1.6, counter-strike: Source?

Starting from the beginning few days a go i have been unable to play my counter strike 1.6. Then i checked all the other counter strikes, and they did not work as well. Then i checked team fortress 2 and it did not work as well. When i say it did not work, i mean that the multi player (server connection) would not work. To solve this i tried:

-Resetting my router and computer

-Re installing steam, cs 1.6, cs: source and tf2. Neither worked

-Back-uping to the time before it even started.

-I turned off my sky broadband shield and then reset my router.

I think it is something about either steam or sky blocking my access to FPS games or steam games in general, although i think it is not the one with sky because the only way that could happen would be with the sky broadband shield, which is turned off.

Other games like Minecraft or League of legends work very well. Does anybody have any suggestions as to what I can do?

Also my teamspeak 2 will not connect to any servers