Bukkit problem. Is there another plug in site for Minecraft?

So, I just made my first Minecraft Server. I was so excited and I wanted to put plugins into it to make it even better! But, so far the only think I see people taking about is Bukkit. I went there, thought it was cool, and wanted to download it. Only, its gone. So, I was wondering, is there another program I can download to put plugins into my server? Or an I just screwed?

There's 3 ways i know, Modding your server with Forge, Bukkit and Spout, Spout it supposed to be faster than Bukkit.

Bukkit is dead, all the rest are cr*p. We're stuck with pure vanilla until something new comes along. Now that Microsoft has Minecraft, that is not likely to happen. Microsoft will very quickly sue anyone that tries to do a bukkit like project.